My main job as a BU staff photojournalist and freelance editorial photographer is to create visual content for editorial purposes. My focus is to capture images that tell a story, convey a message, or complement written content. For Boston University, that includes contributing to its publications, BU Today and the alumni magazine, Bostonia. I’m fortunate to have such a fun and rewarding job! I get to meet some pretty amazing people who are doing remarkable things. Here are a few examples:
I always enjoy meeting people who run marathons. Their resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to pushing boundaries is truly inspiring. This year I had the opportunity to photograph several members of the BU community who were participating in the Boston Marathon. The assignment was photograph them looking heroic. I also had to make sure that the lighting was consistent.

I also had the opportunity to work with BU’s 2022 Innovator of the Year. The engineering professor was chosen for his innovations in biomedical engineering, including inventing a treatment for MRSA and imaging molecules inside living cells. (You can read the article here) Again, I had to use dramatic lighting so I set up a flash next to him and I searched for objects in his lab to shoot through. I often like to find things around me to use in my photos.

That is also the case in this next assignment. This professor, a top expert in cybersecurity, is working with the US Department of Justice on several projects, including an $881,000 grant to train the next generation of cyber sleuths.

I wanted to portray him as if he were being interrogated. I also thought it would be more dramatic with some sort of blue light. I ended up finding a bottle of dish detergent in a nearby kitchen and used that. It ended up turning out as I pictured it.