I have been sorting through years of my work for an upcoming gallery show at Boston University. The photographers were invited to host a collection of their work at the art gallery on campus in November. It’s been a tedious process to narrow down thousands of photos into a select few. But it was also a fun challenge! Here are some of the finalists.

This a photo of an artist preparing for his opening at the 808 Gallery (the same space where our show will take place.

We were also able to submit some personal work. I decided to include this image that I made on a trip to Cuba. I loved the lighting and the quirkiness of the image.

Move-in day is one of those annual events that we photograph. It’s often a struggle to find something unique. I thought this one stood out- again, I liked the lighting and it was something fun and different.

This photo was from a story about moving off campus. One of my favorite portraits.
And that’s all for now. If you’re interested in checking out more photos from the BU staff photographers, feel free to swing by the gallery at 808 Commonwealth Ave. “Moments in Photography” will be on display starting November 1 and go through November 17.