I was glad that Rita convinced Dan to get involved in an engagement shoot. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to, because he doesn’t like getting his picture taken. But I think he did a great job!
Rita and Dan grew up in Quincy. They both knew of each other as children, but didn’t get together until later in life, and now they have recently bought a new home in the town where they both grew up—where they live together with their cats. They’re pretty handy and did a lot of renovations to it themselves!
We went out to the Quincy Quarries for the shoot itself, and it was such a cool spot, with colorful graffiti everywhere! Dan talked about how kids used to cliff jump into the water before they filled it using dirt from the big dig in Boston because too many people were getting injured.
Toward the end of the day, when the sun was setting, Dan was more relaxed, and I got some of my favorite images out of him. (I think he was also excited that the session was almost over!)
Thanks again, Dan & Rita, for letting me be part of this amazing time in your lives. (And a special thanks to Dan for putting up with all the picture-taking!)